







  1. 鐵氟龍只是商標,原物料的名稱為PTFE聚四乙烯。
  2. 聚四氯乙烯(Polytetrafluoethee英文縮寫為PTFE,俗稱塑料王商標名Teflon®),該商標中文譯名在台灣為鐵氣龍,鐵氟龍Teflon這商標名稱已因大觀感不佳而不用。
  3. 很多鍋具品牌通常說自己不是鐵氣龍·其實都PTFE家族的延伸化工塗層鍋,名稱不同但是基因是相同的!
  4. 陶瓷塗層原料是二氧化矽,其實就是馬克杯的材質喔,原料就是陶土。
  5. 最會沾鍋的食材之一其實冰箱拿出來的雞蛋!
  6. 鋁鍋不會造成阿茲海默症。
  7. 陶瓷塗層鍋刮傷了可以繼續使用,因為陶瓷塗層天然無毒,微量鋁金屬也對人體無害。
  8. 鍋具有生命期,定期更換鍋具,烹飪更得心應手。


不沾鍋鍋內塗有一層「聚四氟乙烯」(PTFE)的塗層,俗稱為「鐵氟龍」(Teflon),根據國家環境毒物研究中心的公開資料,龐大的「全氟/多氟烷基化合物(Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances, PFAS)」家族,共有4700多種化合物,其中較有名的包括全氟辛酸(PFOA)、全氟辛烷磺酸(PFOS)、以及 PFOA的衍生物:聚四氟乙烯,也就是不沾鍋塗層鐵氟龍。

其中國際癌症研究中心(International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC)已將PFOA列為人類的可能致癌物,等級為2B。人體研究顯示某些高濃度的全氟烷化合物可能導致:


2025 歐盟禁用特定PFAS家族衍生產品

補充一下歐盟2025禁止使用PFAS家族衍生產品的PFAS 限制提案,原文來自歐洲化學品管理局ECHA(European Chemicals Agency / An agency of the European Union)網站下載的 媒體簡報檔案:The PFAS Restriction Proposal

裡面的重點就是因為PFAS家族用於超多行業的產品上,所以歐盟也不敢全面禁止,但是這種永久性的化學物質(Forever chemicals)幾乎無法降解,就算降解後依然是PFAS家族成員,會存在於自然中幾十年甚至幾百年,因此整體的目標還是要消除PFAS家族為最終目的。

用於其他工業或軍工產業的其實我們不用關心(讓歐盟去制定替代產品或研發替代產品),但與我們生活中最有關的不沾鍋或是防油包裝紙之類的PFAS家族衍生產品,在PDF檔案中的第12頁已經說明,將於18個月後全面禁止(Uses banned after 18 months)。

2023-03-14 ECHA發佈PFAS限制提案 / 原文網址:ECHA publishes PFAS restriction proposal

ECHA publishes PFAS restriction proposal


ECHA/NR/23/04 ECHA/NR/23/04

The details of the proposed restriction of around 10 000 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are now available on ECHA’s website. ECHA’s scientific committees will now start evaluating the proposal in terms of the risks to people and the environment, and the impacts on society.

擬議限制約10 000種全氟和多氟烷基物質(PFAS)的詳細資訊現已在ECHA的網站上提供。ECHA的科學委員會現在將開始評估該提案對人類和環境的風險以及對社會的影響。

Helsinki, 7 February 2023 – The proposal was prepared by authorities in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden and submitted to ECHA on 13 January 2023. It aims to reduce PFAS emissions into the environment and make products and processes safer for people.


All PFASs in the scope of the proposal are very persistent in the environment. If their releases are not minimised, people, plants and animals will be increasingly exposed, and without a restriction, such levels will be reached that have negative effects on people’s health and the environment. The authorities estimate that around 4.4 million tonnes of PFASs would end up in the environment over the next 30 years unless action is taken.


Peter van der Zandt, ECHA’s Director for Risk Assessment said: “This landmark proposal by the five authorities supports the ambitions of the EU’s Chemicals Strategy and the Zero Pollution action plan. Now, our scientific committees will start their evaluation and opinion forming. While the evaluation of such a broad proposal with thousands of substances, and many uses, will be challenging, we are ready.”

ECHA風險評估主任Peter van der Zandt表示:「五個當局的這一具有里程碑意義的提案支援歐盟化學品戰略和零污染行動計劃的雄心壯志。現在,我們的科學委員會將開始評估和意見形成。雖然評估這樣一個包含數千種物質和多種用途的廣泛提案將具有挑戰性,但我們已經準備好了。

Next steps


ECHA’s scientific committees for Risk Assessment (RAC) and for Socio-Economic Analysis (SEAC) will check that the proposal meets the legal requirements of REACH in their meetings in March 2023. If it does, the committees will begin their scientific evaluation of the proposal. A six-month consultation is planned to start on 22 March 2023.


RAC will form an opinion on whether the proposed restriction is appropriate in reducing the risks to people’s health and the environment, while SEAC’s opinion will be on the socio-economic impacts, i.e. benefits and costs to society, associated with the proposal. Both committees form their opinions based on the information in the restriction proposal and the comments received during consultations. The committees also consider advice from the Enforcement Forum on the enforceability of the proposed restriction. Once the opinions are adopted, they will be sent to the European Commission who, together with the EU Member States, will then decide on the potential restriction.


An online information session will be organised on 5 April 2023 to explain the restriction process and to help those interested in participating in the consultation.

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)


Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a large class of thousands of synthetic chemicals that are used throughout society. However, they are increasingly detected as environmental pollutants and some are linked to negative effects on human health.


They all contain carbon-fluorine bonds, which are one of the strongest chemical bonds in organic chemistry. This means that they resist degradation when used and also in the environment. Most PFAS are also easily transported in the environment covering long distances away from the source of their release.


PFAS have been frequently observed to contaminate groundwater, surface water and soil. Cleaning up polluted sites is technically difficult and costly. If releases continue, they will continue to accumulate in the environment, drinking water and food.

鐵氟龍 Teflon 聚四氟乙烯 PTFE 全氟辛酸 PFOA 全氟辛烷磺酸 PFOS 歐盟 全面禁止