
今天因為有一些需求,需要在outlook.com設定Email信件的轉信(Email Forwarding)功能,結果未料這麼原始、簡單、陽春的功能竟然微軟也可以出包,設定好了轉信的地址後,儲存的按鈕竟然消失了?到Microsoft Community一找不得了,從2022年11月就開始一大堆人有這個問題,上面一堆MVP還是在那邊裝死進行機械式應答賺活躍度,簡直是無言。

Today, due to certain requirements, I needed to set up email forwarding functionality for my emails on outlook.com. However, to my surprise, such a basic and simple feature had a bug from Microsoft. After setting up the forwarding address, the "Save" button disappeared. I couldn't find any solution on the Microsoft Community either. It turns out that many people have been experiencing this issue since November 2022, and the MVPs were giving generic responses to earn engagement points. It's really frustrating.


How to make the email forwarding "Save" button reappear in outlook.com

Step 1. 首先證明,轉信設定的儲存按鈕確實消失了,如下圖。First, let's confirm that the "Save" button for the forwarding settings is indeed missing, as shown in the following image.

Step 2. 解決的方法很奇葩,就是跑去https://account.live.com/names/Manage設定這個帳號的電話號碼。The solution is quite strange. Go to https://account.live.com/names/Manage and set the "Phone number" for this account.

Step 3. 設定後將帳號登出,再度登入outlook.com就可以看到儲存按鈕出現了。After setting the phone number, log out of your account and log back into outlook.com. You should now see the "Save" button appearing.

最後我想說:WTF Microsoft? 若你有這方面的問題且找到這篇文章,那恭喜你了!In conclusion, I just want to say, "WTF Microsoft?" If you are facing this issue and have found this article, congratulations!

Outlook Outlook.com EmailForwarding Setting Button Gone Disappearing Appears Enabled Disabled