
C#的IS在C# 7.0之後被賦予運算式(Expression)的能力後,事情開始變得複雜,透過此篇文章將IS與AS運算子的寫法複習一下,給日後有需要的人參考。


  1. 類型模式:Type pattern
  2. 常數模式:Constant pattern
  3. Var模式:Var pattern

類型模式(Type Pattern)


public static string Decision(IAnimal oTemp)
  if (oTemp is Cat oObj)
  { return oObj.cAction; }

  if (oTemp is Dog oDog1 && oDog1.cSay != "Woo")
  { return $"Cute dog say {oDog1.cSay}"; }

  if (oTemp is Dog)
  { return ((Dog)oTemp).cSay; }

  var oBird = oTemp as Bird;
  if (oBird != null)
  { return $"Fly {oBird.bFly}"; }

  return "Can not defined!";


IAnimal oTemp;

oTemp = new Dog() { cName = "巴哥", cSay = "Awo" };
Console.WriteLine($"0. {Decision(oTemp)}");

oTemp = new Dog() { cName = "柴犬" };
Console.WriteLine($"1. {Decision(oTemp)}");

oTemp = new Cat() { cName = "摺耳貓" };
Console.WriteLine($"2. {Decision(oTemp)}");

oTemp = new Bird() { cName = "麻雀" };
Console.WriteLine($"3. {Decision(oTemp)}");

oTemp = new Turtle() { cName = "忍者龜" };
Console.WriteLine($"4. {Decision(oTemp)}");

oTemp = new Dog() { cName = "巴哥", cSay = "Awo" };
Console.WriteLine($"5. {Decision2(oTemp)}");

oTemp = new Dog() { cName = "柴犬" };
Console.WriteLine($"6. {Decision2(oTemp)}");

oTemp = new Cat() { cName = "摺耳貓" };
Console.WriteLine($"7. {Decision2(oTemp)}");

oTemp = new Bird() { cName = "麻雀" };
Console.WriteLine($"8. {Decision2(oTemp)}");

oTemp = new Turtle() { cName = "忍者龜" };
Console.WriteLine($"9. {Decision2(oTemp)}");


0. Cute dog say Awo
1. Woo
2. Grab
3. Fly True
4. Can not defined!
5. Cute dog say Awo
6. Woo
7. Grab
8. Fly True
9. Just Turtle

使用C# 9.0 SwitchExpression重新改寫Decision函式


public static string Decision2(IAnimal oTemp) => oTemp switch
  Cat x => x.cAction,
  Dog x when (x.cSay != "Woo") => $"Cute dog say {x.cSay}",
  Dog x => x.cSay,
  Bird x => $"Fly {x.bFly}",
  Turtle => "Just Turtle",
  _ => "Can not defined!"


常數模式(Constant Pattern)


Console.WriteLine($@"ConstantPattern 1.: g = {IsMyLetter('g')}");
Console.WriteLine($@"ConstantPattern 2.: # = {IsMyLetter('#')}");
Console.WriteLine($@"ConstantPattern 3.: (""AAA"", 10) = {IsMyTuple(("AAA", 10))}");
Console.WriteLine($@"ConstantPattern 3.: (""BBB"", 30) = {IsMyTuple(("BBB", 30))}");

/* ***** 常數模式 ***** */
public static bool IsMyLetter(char x) => x 
  is (>= 'a' and <= 'z') or (>= 'A' and <= 'Z');

public static bool IsMyTuple((string, int) x) => x
  is ("AAA", 10) or ("BBB", 20);


ConstantPattern 1.: g = True
ConstantPattern 2.: # = False
ConstantPattern 3.: ("AAA", 10) = True
ConstantPattern 3.: ("BBB", 30) = False

Var模式(Var Pattern)

var模式的優點是可以在Lambda運算式(Lambda Expression)中,將動態篩選過珍貴的運算結果進行暫時性的保存,並接續進行判斷運算,這樣的寫法在有需要的時刻,可以讓LINQ語法變得更精簡與易讀。

Console.WriteLine($"VarPattern: {string.Join("、", IsVarPattern().ToArray())}");

/* ***** var模式 ***** */
public static IEnumerable<string> IsVarPattern()
  var oList = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>() { "Abc", "Def", "Ghi", "Jkl" };
  return oList.Where(x => RepeatProcess(x).ToList() is var oTemps && oTemps.Count() > 2 && (oTemps.Where(y => y.StartsWith("Abc") || y.StartsWith("Ghi")).Count() > 0));

private static IEnumerable<string> RepeatProcess(string cTemp)
  var oRnd = new System.Random();
  for (int i = 0; i < oRnd.Next(1, 10); i++)
  { yield return $"{cTemp}|{i}"; }



VarPattern: Abc、Ghi(因為有亂數成分,故不一定是這個結果)


  1. 在C#的SwitchExpression下使用模式比對(Pattern Matching)
  2. 利用SwitchExpression來進行switch流程程式碼判斷的優化
  3. 利用SwitchExpression取代if-else,並閃避逐行判斷的寫法
  4. 利用C#的switch case when語法來忽略字串大小寫
  5. C#的IS與AS運算子之撰寫方法
  6. C#的NULL運算演化:?.、??、??=、以及模式比對增強功能
  7. 遞迴模式比對
  8. C# 9.0 中的新增功能
  9. is(C#參考)
  10. is 運算子
  11. as 運算子
C# 7.0 IsOperator AsOperator IsExpressionsTypePattern IsExpressionsConstantPattern IsExpressionsVarPattern