製作Microsoft CAB檔案格式的視覺化工具

我們都知道,從Windows 7之後的視窗主題包(ThemePack、DesktopThemePack),都是使用CAB格式來進行封裝。但,我們最熟悉的7-Zip不能夠壓縮CAB格式的壓縮檔案,這時你一定會想要用makecab這個命令列的工具來進行CAB格式的壓縮,但是一旦深入makecab的世界,你才會知道這個爛倒掉渣的命令列工具,要封裝或壓縮一個資料夾是多麼艱鉅的工作,竟然還要自行編輯檔案清單描述?請見下列的指令格式:

Cabinet Maker - Lossless Data Compression Tool

MAKECAB [/V[n]] [/D var=value ...] [/L dir] source [destination]
MAKECAB [/V[n]] [/D var=value ...] /F directive_file [...]

  source         File to compress.
  destination    File name to give compressed file.  If omitted, the
                 last character of the source file name is replaced
                 with an underscore (_) and used as the destination.
  /F directives  A file with MakeCAB directives (may be repeated). Refer to
                 Microsoft Cabinet SDK for information on directive_file.
  /D var=value   Defines variable with specified value.
  /L dir         Location to place destination (default is current directory).
  /V[n]          Verbosity level (1..3).


CabPack 1.4 Download

CabFiles CabFolders CabFormat CabMaker CabCreator CabPackager