Windows Server 2008 R2一直出現Event ID 10的Log錯誤

當你使用Windows 7或者是Windows Server 2008 R2,每次進行重開機的時候,就會一直看到一個Event ID 10的錯誤出現在你的系統事件記錄簿中。

基本上這個錯誤目前還沒有解決的方案,一般來說並不會影響你任何的操作或運行,不過如果你的機器是需要經過第三方資訊安全驗證(ISO 27001...)的話,你最好把它藏起來,因為你絕對不會想要跟毫無資訊能力的資訊安全稽核專家解釋為何會發生這樣的情況。微軟官方的錯誤描述如下:

This originated in the Windows 7 SP1 DVD/ISO creation process. There was an issue in the creation process that caused a WMI registration to remain in the DVD/ISO. Since the registration is designed to work only during the DVD/ISO creation process, it fails to run on a live system and causes these events. These events are not indicative of any issue in the system and can be safely ignored. If however you want to prevent these events from getting generated and want to remove this specific WMI registration manually, please follow the steps mentioned in this article for running the workaround script.


這個問題目前微軟沒有正式的發行Microsoft Update來解決,所以只能使用HotFix來進行解決,請點選這裡下載修補檔案

參考:Event ID 10 is logged in the Application log after you install Service Pack 1 for Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2

WindowsServer Windows7 EventID 10 ErrorLog